Acoustic tiles, for example, will cut down the ‘liveness’ of the room making it more suitable for performing music, recording music and even listening to music.
Soundproofing is a process of isolating of the room from its outside world. It also reduces sound leakage between rooms. So, for example, if you have two recording rooms together you will need sound proofing to reduce Studio X being affected by Studio Y.
Acoustic foams will improve room isolation but only very slightly. To be able to sound proof properly involves a lot of work and a lot of cost. To gain perfect sound isolation you ideally need to build a room inside a room.
This can be very expensive but there are some cheap and easy solutions that can improve sound isolation and reduce sound leakage. First it is a good idea to totally seal doors and windows, as this is where most sound transmission occurs. During our ocular survey, we will check the room for any areas that you may need to seal such as doors and windows.
The purpose of acoustic foam is to reduce reverberation time and to generally improve the acoustics of the room. By installing products our products such as acoustic tiles (egg crate, pyramid, flat , wedge designs and bass traps, recordings are defined and tight instead of having way too much color in and out of the control room.
Acoustic treatment is also needed in a room where mixing is going to take place. If the room has too much echo and too long a reverberation time mixes will be out of time and poorly judged.